Sealing plugs - sale (067)

Sealing plugs - sale (067)
Vykres_Sealing plugs - sale (067)
Products are discontinued. Clearance sale for discounted prices. Made of yellow HD-PE with a rubber sealing O-ring. Mounting with a screwdriver or a spanner.
Dimension A:G.1/2x14
Dimension B:27.0
Dimension C:13.5
Dimension D:21.9
Dimension E:15
Price from 25 pcs: € 0,115 (€ 0,139 Including VAT)
Item number: 067 0500 292 04
In stock: 50 pcs
Dimension A:G.1/4x19
Dimension B:19.0
Dimension C:12.5
Dimension D:19.7
Dimension E:10
Price from 25 pcs: € 0,075 (€ 0,091 Including VAT)
Item number: 067 0250 292 04
In stock: 25 pcs
Dimension A:G.1/8x28
Dimension B:16.0
Dimension C:10.0
Dimension D:17.2
Dimension E:7
Price from 25 pcs: € 0,067 (€ 0,081 Including VAT)
Item number: 067 0125 292 04
In stock: 275 pcs
Dimension A:G.3/8x19
Dimension B:22.0
Dimension C:12.5
Dimension D:20.9
Dimension E:13
Price from 25 pcs: € 0,084 (€ 0,102 Including VAT)
Item number: 067 0375 292 04
In stock: 325 pcs
Dimension A:G1x11
Dimension B:40.0
Dimension C:15.0
Dimension D:23.6
Dimension E:24
Price from 10 pcs: € 0,326 (€ 0,394 Including VAT)
Item number: 067 1000 292 04
In stock: 120 pcs
Length dimensions are given in mm.

Offered discounts

Discounts are provided on orders from the total value of the ordered goods:

For order from total value from€ 100,000Discount 5 %
For order from total value from€ 200,000Discount 10 %
For order from total value from€ 300,000Discount 15 %
For order from total value from€ 400,000Discount 20 %
For order from total value from€ 600,000Discount 25 %
For order from total value from€ 800,000Discount 30 %

Discount on orders sent from the e-shop 3 %.

Plastové součástky s.r.o.
  • Kaňkova 704/4
  • 108 00 Praha 10, Malešice
  • IČ: 28382595
  • DIČ: CZ28382595
Issuance of orders
  • 09:00 – 12:00
  • 13:00 – 16:00